Sauna Safety Tips

Following safety tips will ensure a pleasant and productive sauna experience.

A sauna can be used for simple relaxation to unwind after a stressful week or to achieve health benefits. Whatever the reason, one should treat the extreme heat of a sauna with caution. Follow these simple safety tips to enjoy time in a sauna:

Time inside

Staying inside too long could prove to be problematic. Those who are sensitive to heat should keep sauna time short. Even 20 minutes is the maximum, although opinions differ. Once one feels it becoming a little intolerable, it's time to step out.

Properly cool down

In some sauna traditions, it's best to lie down in cold outdoor snow or have an ice-cold shower immediately upon leaving the sauna. However, this extreme body temperature change could be too much for some. Those without much experience should consider a lukewarm to slightly cold shower between times in the sauna.


The sauna experience isn't a race, so there's no need to get back in quickly. Instead, take a short break between the cycle of sauna and showering. Also, be aware of how many cycles one undergoes; for many, two or three cycles are a lot.

Hydrate and rehydrate

Before using a sauna, it's best to drink plenty of water. One of the purposes of a sauna is to sweat out toxins, so it's essential to ensure the body is adequately hydrated. In addition, once finished, it's crucial to replace the water depleted from the body.

Bring a friend

Saunas can be social, so going with a friend is ideal. In addition, this buddy system can ensure safety. A person may not realize when they've had enough, so going with a friend can help to avoid a dangerous situation.

No alcohol

Although a beer or a glass of wine sounds like a lovely way to relax in the sauna, it is never a good idea. Alcohol dehydrates the body and negates the purpose of sweating to remove bodily toxins. Alcohol can also affect the body's ability to maintain blood pressure and can cause dizziness or fainting when coupled with the high temperatures of a sauna.

Be aware of the body's warning signs

Dizziness, nausea, or headache could be the body's way of indicating it's time to get out. It's supposed to be an enjoyable experience. There's no point in pushing the body too far.

Safely enjoy the time in the sauna

It's not a competition, so never push the body to the point of being extremely uncomfortable. Before and after, it's crucial to maintain proper hydration. Avoid alcohol consumption and bring a friend. Following these safety tips will ensure a pleasant and productive sauna experience.

Sauna One is a nationwide barrel sauna sales company with years of experience. All of our relaxing saunas promote a multitude of health benefits and are low maintenance. Regardless of the size or construction materials, we provide trusted workmanship and customer satisfaction. While a barrel sauna can be installed by a homeowner, we also offer installation and repair throughout the greater Phoenix area. Call us at (602) 691 - 5553


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