How Does a Sauna Improve the Immune System?

Saunas can bolster the immune system, aiding the body in combating diseases and infections.

People feel good after a sweat session, but that's not the only benefit of spending time in a sauna. In addition to helping people relax, saunas can bolster the immune system, aiding the body in combating diseases and infections.

Let's discuss how and why saunas strengthen the body's immune response:

How saunas benefit the immune system

Saunas induce fevers and promote the production of white blood cells.

Although some view fevers as indicators that the body is struggling to work correctly, that's far from the truth. Fevers indicate that the immune system is in excellent condition, working hard to fend off viruses and bacteria.

Sitting in a sauna raises the body's temperature, giving it an "artificial" fever. The change triggers the immune system, which then increases the production of white blood cells. These cells serve a disease-fighting function, and their presence optimizes the body's overall health.

They travel down the bloodstream, eliminating viruses, bacteria, and germs. Additionally, white blood cells have a role in destroying cancerous cells, preventing them from reaching other areas in the body.

Even though people show no disease symptoms, that doesn't mean they're in perfect health. Harmful microorganisms can invade the body, and it could take several weeks before the first symptoms of an illness appear. But sauna visits can prompt the immune system to identify the germs and eliminate them before any side effects occur.

Similarly, sauna sessions might accelerate the healing process. For example, a person hoping to fight off an illness sits in a sauna while the hot temperature induces a fever. Then, the white blood cells combat the foreign microorganism, helping alleviate the most severe symptoms.

Saunas have a detoxifying effect

As a person relaxes and sweats, they release toxic substances accumulated in their body. Some enter our systems through the air, while we absorb others through the skin. Either way, toxins can negatively impact a person's quality of life and lead to countless health issues.

Sweating in a sauna releases toxins and prevents unexpected health complications. In addition, it helps the body expel urea (a significant element in urine), heavy metals, and chemical compounds.

Saunas improve sleep quality

Saunas are great immune boosters because they improve sleep quality. After people exit a sauna, their body temperature drops, helping them fall into a deep sleep without difficulty.

Quality sleep is vital for the immune system to function correctly. Therefore, saunas benefit those struggling with sleep deprivation since a lack of sleep impairs the body's immune response.

Remember to use a sauna responsibly

Saunas can improve health, but only if used responsibly. These are a few tips to keep in mind before entering a sauna:

  • Use the first 10 minutes of the session to warm up, and don't add humidity.

  • Have a quick shower once the session is over.

  • Drinking a glass of water helps support the body's cool-down efforts.

Stay healthy

Those curious about the other benefits of saunas should contact an expert to learn more and book an appointment.

Sauna One is a nationwide barrel sauna sales company with years of experience. All of our relaxing saunas promote a multitude of health benefits and are low maintenance. Regardless of the size or construction materials, we provide trusted workmanship and customer satisfaction. While a barrel sauna can be installed by a homeowner, we also offer installation and repair throughout the greater Phoenix area. Call us at (602) 691 - 5553


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