The Best Places to Put a Home Sauna

With adequate space, a level surface, and access to power, a sauna can be located almost anywhere in a home.

Once one decides to purchase a home sauna, the next choice is where to put it. Again, there are many options, and its location doesn’t have many limitations. The two main requirements are a flat, level floor and close access to a dedicated electrical connection, generally 220 volts.

Other considerations besides these two basic requirements include having adequate space for the sauna and locating it close to a bathroom or shower. This additional consideration makes it easier to cycle through the circuit of a hot sauna followed by a cold shower, but it isn’t a limiting factor. Proper ventilation and drain access are other factors to consider. However, a sauna installation expert can address all of these issues.


The basement is a common location for a home sauna. They typically have flat, level floors ideal for a sauna’s placement and plenty of room. In addition, a basement can provide privacy since it’s away from areas of the home that get a lot of foot traffic. The addition of a sauna can transform a basement into a home spa.


A home that has a large bathroom is another excellent choice. Many homeowners with indoor saunas agree that a bathroom is ideal for a home sauna. It allows for privacy, and there’s quick access to a shower.

Workout room

A sauna is an excellent home addition for those with a room dedicated to wellness, such as a home gym. Nothing could be better than a vigorous workout followed by a relaxing time in the sauna. If the home has an empty, unused room, designing it from scratch with the help of a sauna installation expert can transform it into a luxurious spa.


Another of the best places to put a home sauna is in the backyard, especially if it has a pool. Users can sweat in the sauna and then have a refreshing dip in the pool between cycles. Not all saunas are suitable for outdoor use, so rely on a sauna installation specialist to recommend and install a suitable outdoor sauna.


Although an unlikely location, the garage is among the best places to put a home sauna. Most have flat, level surfaces and easy access to power. It usually has ample space and provides some privacy.

Consult the professionals

The requirements for a home sauna are basic. With adequate space, a level surface, and access to power, a sauna can be located almost anywhere in a home. Basements, bathrooms, and garages are common locations. However, consulting with a professional sauna installation company can provide insights into the best location for a sauna in any home.

Sauna One is a nationwide barrel sauna sales company with years of experience. All of our relaxing saunas promote a multitude of health benefits and are low maintenance. Regardless of the size or construction materials, we provide trusted workmanship and customer satisfaction. While a barrel sauna can be installed by a homeowner, we also offer installation and repair throughout the greater Phoenix area. Call us at (602) 691 - 5553


The Benefits of an Outdoor Sauna


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