Exercise and Saunas: What's the Right Mix?

Many gyms have a sauna on the premises because gym operators know the health benefits of these heated rooms. A visit to the sauna post-workout relieves muscle soreness and eases the feeling of fatigue. A sauna session after a grueling workout can also be a nice treat before exiting the gym.

Here are some tips on how to use a sauna after exercising:

Drink water

A good workout builds up a sweat, and so does spending time in the sauna. Therefore, it is essential to hydrate before entering the room, preventing the body from becoming overly dehydrated. One should drink two glasses of water before a sauna session. Drink beverages like fruit juice and herbal teas after leaving the room to replenish body fluids and flush out toxins.

Watch the clock

After a workout, the recommended sauna time is 20 minutes, as a longer duration is likely to over-exert the body. If one experiences dizziness, lightheadedness, or headaches, this could be a sign that dehydration or overheating has set in. Once these symptoms present themselves, it is time to leave the sauna.

Pay attention to the body

It's essential to listen to the body when using a sauna. Exiting the room will be the best action if the heat feels unbearable. No hard and fast rule says one should spend 20 minutes in a sauna.

Cool off

Give the body a chance to cool down after a sauna session. This can be accomplished by performing some light stretches, which also help muscles relax further. It may also be good to eat a light snack to replenish salts.

Light activity

After a post-workout sauna session, vigorous activity is not recommended as the body needs time to recover. For that reason, try and rest after leaving the gym.

Don't use the sauna before exercise

It's not recommended to use a sauna before working out as it could lead to the risks mentioned below.

Loose muscles

Visiting a sauna is a great way to loosen muscles. However, having relaxed muscles before a workout is not ideal. Loose muscles are more prone to injury during an intense exercise session.

Decreased energy

The atmosphere in the sauna helps the mind and body relax. While this is an excellent state of being in post-workout, the low energy levels brought on by relaxation are not ideal for exercising. Using the sauna before hitting the gym could result in a lackluster workout.


Spending time in the sauna causes dehydration. Attempting to work out while dehydrated could lead to dizziness, which could then cause injury.

Ask for help

The sauna only provides benefits if used correctly. Talk to a sauna attendant for advice on using a sauna after a workout.

Sauna One is a nationwide barrel sauna sales company with years of experience. All of our relaxing saunas promote a multitude of health benefits and are low maintenance. Regardless of the size or construction materials, we provide trusted workmanship and customer satisfaction. While a barrel sauna can be installed by a homeowner, we also offer installation and repair throughout the greater Phoenix area


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